Why Growing Housing Unaffordability and Homelessness?

All three levels of government have contributed to these growing problems. 1. Federal: Cancellation of tax breaks for rental construction in the 1970’s. Cancellation of building affordable housing Allowing housing to become an investment (see more on this, below) 2. Provincial: Cancellation of building affordable housing Social assistance (including for disabled persons) has not kept up to the cost of housing. Not even close Until recently: a lack of building standards that reduce the cost of heating a home (poor insulation, single clear pane windows, drafty homes cost a lot more to heat) Lack of adequate assistance for relationships in distress leads to separations, spousal abuse, broken families, alcohol and drug abuse and homelessness The high cost of transportation dependent on owning cars Lack of illness-prevention strategies, leading to loss of income and a taxed health-care system 3. Municipal: The desire to accommodate the single occupancy motor vehicle dr...