Zero Waste conference in Nanaimo Oct 2-4, 2014

With Metro Vancouver threatening our immediate coastal communities with up to 7 garbage incinerators, the international zero waste community is coming to Nanaimo to help us defeat this plan with some sane, sustainable, solutions that create way more jobs, too! International Zero Waste Conference in Nanaimo Oct 2-4, 2014 Next week, starting Thursday the 2nd, over 30 international speakers who know how to put waste materials back into use and create jobs, will be coming to Nanaimo. First time in Canada! They normally meet in major cities. We convinced the host, Zero Waste Canada, to pick us over Toronto and Vancouver! Nanaimo welcomes them! If you care about reducing global warming, increasing local jobs and economic opportunities, and providing a future for our children then do come to one or more events! Pre-conference Monday the 29 th 6:30 p.m. The film Trashed will be shown at the Nanaimo VIU campus, Building 356, Rm. 109. This is a very informative film...