Post-election assessment

My friends and supporters, I want to begin by offering a heart-felt thank you . I mean it. A candidate can’t do much alone. You made all the difference. When you came to events, smiled at me in an all candidate’s meeting, donated, helped out, encouraged your friends, “liked” the Facebook page, volunteered in other ways, etc. etc. etc. –this is what made the difference ! So, thank you. While most of the province is in shock, and we would have wished for more Green votes, I see that we have actually turned a corner as a movement and a Party. This was a direct result of our hard work, dedication, imagination, fun(!) and more. Your involvement made a real difference. Together we managed to inspire a greater 30 – 65% more Green support in the two Nanaimo riding's! As someone put it, “ We are part of the change that has to occur, even when we are not aware of our contribution to it.” We can celebrate Andrew Weaver’s win. Finally there will be a different voice in Vi...